factor in sensitive positions. We affirm, as does Executive Order 10450 and all security regulations made thereunder, that homosexuality is a factor properly to be considered only when there is evidence of other acts which come within valid security oriteria.
Calendar of of Events
Tuesday, March 26
Monthly discussion meeting at 465 Geary Kenneth C. Zwerin, attorney, will discuss the legal status of the Daughters of Bilitis and answer questions those attending may have relating to the Lesbian and the law.
Wednesday, April 10
Monthly business meeting, 1030-D Steiner St., 8 p.m.
Tuesday, April 23 Dr. Blanche M. Baker, San Francisco
Saturday, April 27
psychiatrist, will speak at the monthly discussion meeting at 465 Geary St., on "Self Acceptance". All are invited to attend this meeting, which starts at 8:15 p.m.
Bowling at the Sports Center, 3333 Mission St., from 7 p.m. on. Please make reservations by Thursday night, April 25, to FIllmore 6-0404 so alleys may be reserved. You don't have to be a professional to bowl with this group! We get them from the low 70s to the almost 300s. Come on out and join the fun.
Cirole the above dates on your calendar. That way you won't get caught short the night of one of the events with something quite dull scheduled when you'd much rather attend a Daughters function.